In the past several weeks, the selection committee has watched the 1636 films submitted to the festival, which amounts to 12 days, 12 hours, 11 minutes, and 36 seconds of film in total! It was immensely difficult to select the 66 films that have been programmed in the festival for 2014. A huge thanks to everyone that submitted their films, and congratulations to all of the filmmakers for the quality of their work.
We are pleased to announce the official selection for CinéGlobe 2014:
20ZWOELF, by Christian Stahl
A Glacier in the Desert, by Zoe D’Amaro
Acabo de tener un sueño, by JAVI NAVARRO
Amasia, by Guillaume RENIER
Amygdala, by Jeannette Louie
Blackout, by Sharron Mirsky
Bunker, by Ned Ehrbar
Crease, by Natacha Brohan
CYCLOID, by tomoki kurogi
Désaffection, by charles thomas
Devil In The Room, by Carla MacKinnon
Dinosaurios en 3D, by Juan Beiro
Eden 2045, by James Lawler
ETSETERA, by Emerson Medina
existência abstracta e obediência, by Bruno Canas
EXIT, by Michel Goossens
Exit, by Yu-Bin Jang
Expériences de Mort Imminente : l’exploration cérébrale, by Patrick Séverin
FAIRYTRUTH, by Mike Green
Gödel, Incomplete, by Martha Goddard
Hijabi Girls, by Nada Abdulla
History of Virginity, by Sophie Haller
Hot Air, by sahra bhimji
Humanexus, by Ying-Fang Shen
Im Schnitt, by Konstantin Gutscher
INORGANICA, by Valerie Mellon
Inspiration, by Sophie Martin
JÄÄ, by Sanna Liljander
La fusée, by André Perron
LARS, by Ira Rosenberg
Le Rôle 613, by Nicolas Boulenger
Letzte Spuren, by Oliver Rogers
Lichtblicke in die Nanowelt, by Beate Häutemann
Macrostructure, by Eric Schockmel
Magnetic Reconnection, by Kyle Armstrong
Meet The Myth, by Benjamin BARBELET
Mein Leben als Kosmonaut, by Katre Haav
Motorbike Midwife, by Masumi Higashi
NEUE NÄHE, by Sonja Vukovic
O TANATOPRAXISTA, by Mariana Bardan
Our Own Devices, by Josh Kasselman
Parachutes, by Wendy Pillonel
Perfect Girl, by Pia Tjäder
PIOK, by Théo Dusapin
Prabhat Nagari – Film 1, by Aman Wadhan
SELL BY DATE, by Emma Savage
Spotted, by Yoann BOMAL
STEFFI GEFÄLLT DAS, by Philipp Scholz
Sunday Punch, by Alan Powell
Supervenus, by Frederic Doazan
The 1 Up Fever, by Dosso Silvia Dal
The Death Row, by Maryam Ebrahimi
The Decelerators, by Mark Slutsky
The Missing Scarf, by Eoin Duffy
The Rise And Fall Of Globosome, by Sascha Geddert
The stranger, by Lucio Lepri
Timeworld, by JiSun LEE
Turbulent, by Perttu Inkilä
Utopia.Entropia.Distopia, by Biktor Kero
Venice, by Jack Davies
Why Do I Study Physics?, by Xiangjun Shi
Wo Kino am grössten ist, by Alexander Wigger
Yellow Fever, by Ng’endo Mukii
ZOMBI, by David Moreno